This UI Kit is a proprietary product developed by EGO Creative Innovations Limited.
This is a reduced demo version of the main product (SPRKL UI Kit), the rights and terms of use of which are governed by a separate commercial license.
This promo version of the UI Kit is fully functional but contains a limited number of items.
The creator does not have plans to update this version of the product in the future, however, other versions are possible.
The rights and terms of use of this limited promo version of the product are governed by the Creative Common Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license.
You may create any (including commercial) products (for yourself or your clients) using this version of the SPRKL UI Kit, however, you may not resell or create sub-products based on it for sale (or resale).
You are also required to follow the Webflow and Figma licenses and terms of use.
A limited number of third-party icons were used for the creation of the SPRKL Ui Kit, and you may also use them under the terms of this license.
However, if you wish to use these icons outside of the current license, or to obtain more icons, or in other formats, you can purchase them from the copyright holders:
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or proposals at